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CAD Design

What will fit and where will it go?   Free


The best idea ever for the perfect mouse trap?    $?

We can help you plan your rig in 3D and see where things work out before going through the  trial and error hassle. Generally for our units we have found some setups that that work out well and have those configurations shown in our unit info., but If you have something in mind you would like to try out before making a comitment, we can model it for you.


Have a great idea and need some 3D design help?

Mouse traps to airplanes (flight not guaranteed) we can build you a 3D model or basic shop drawings of your idea that you can take to your local handyman if needed.

Price for this would depend on the complexity of the project, and if it really is the best mouse trap ever, money will be no object-  we could just split the profits! 

American Farrier Systems

706 253 0300
770 241 1903

American Farrier Systems
865 Lumber Company Rd.
Talking Rock,
Georgia 30175

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